School SLP
Search School Speech-Language Pathologist Jobs
To see what School Speech-Language Pathologist jobs are currently available, please use the job search above, filtering results by the School setting. Preferred now has a dedicated Schools division, and we are growing our education clients. School SLP openings may vary considerably by time of year, however, so go ahead and apply now to be considered for future opportunities.
School Speech-Language Pathologist Responsibilities
School Speech-Language Pathologists carefully develop and implement treatment plans to help students overcome language, articulation, fluency, voice/resonance, and swallowing issues and disorders. In a school setting, SLPs also help to build social, mental, and physical skills necessary for educational and social development.
School Speech-Language Pathologist Salary Information
One’s salary as a School Speech-Language Pathologist depends largely on the job location, grade-level, and experience. According to a study performed by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASLHA):
- Preschool SLP average salary: $62,000
- Elementary SLP average salary: $63,000
- Secondary SLP average salary: $68,000
- Combination Education SLP average salary: $65,000
School Speech-Language Pathologist Employment Outlook
Overall, the Speech-Language Pathology profession is expected to grow 27 percent by 2028. This is much faster than average. For school-specific SLPs, now is the perfect opportunity to explore new opportunities within the profession.
School Speech-Language Pathologist Specialty Areas
As a School Speech-Language Pathologist, one has many options for potential specialization to increase salary and job opportunities. Here are some additional education and certification routes for school SLPs:
- Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA)
- Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT-LOUD)
- Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets
- American Board of Child Language and Language Disorders
- American Board of Fluency and Fluency Disorders
- American Board of Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders
- American Audiology Board of Intraoperative Monitoring
- Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)
If you would like more information about School Speech-Language Pathologist jobs or are ready get started, Preferred can help. Apply today and get connected with the right assignment for you.