Radiation Therapist
Search for Radiation Therapist Jobs
To see our current selection of Radiation Therapist jobs, please utilize the job search above. Preferred has established relationships with Radiation Oncology departments around the United States, and we help to staff openings. Get notified of future Radiation Therapy positions by applying today.
Radiation Therapist Responsibilities
As part of a Radiation Oncology team, Radiation Therapists operate machines, like linear accelerators, to deliver the prescribed dose of radiation to a patient’s tumor in as safely and effectively as possible. Radiation Therapists must maintain specific safety precautions for themselves and the patient, calibrate and operate machinery, and keep careful patient records.
Radiation Therapist Salary Information
On average, Radiation Therapists earn $86,545 a year. The lower 10 percent of the typical range earns around $71,564, and the upper 10 percent earns $105,910. One’s salary as a Radiation Therapist is primarily influenced by job location and experience.
Radiation Therapist Employment Outlook
The job outlook for Radiation Therapists is better than for most other professions. By 2028, demand for Radiation Therapists is expected to grow by 9 percent. As the population ages, the need for radiation treatment will only continue to grow.
If you would like more information about Radiation Therapy jobs or are ready get started, Preferred can help. Apply today and get connected with the right assignment for you.