Medical Laboratory Technician
Search for Medical Laboratory Technician Jobs
To see the latest Medical Lab Tech openings, utilize the job search above. Preferred Healthcare staffs numerous medical facilities and clinical labs, and we may have positions that pique your interest. If you’d like to be notified of new and future MLT opportunities, go ahead and apply with us today.
Medical Laboratory Technician Job Responsibilities
Often under the supervision of a Medical Technologist or Clinical Laboratory Scientist, Medical Laboratory Technicians perform routine analyses on patient samples using tests in toxicology, chemistry, hematology, immunology, and microbiology. This information is shared with doctors to diagnose and treat patients. Medical Lab Techs must follow safety guidelines, clean laboratory equipment, and keep necessary records.
Medical Laboratory Technician Salary Information
According to Glassdoor, the average Medical Laboratory Technician makes around $44,318 per year. The lower end of this profession earns roughly $32,000, while the higher end earns up to $61,000 in salary. The salaries for Medical Lab Techs vary considerably depending on location, experience, and additional certifications.
Medical Laboratory Technician Employment Outlook
The Medical Lab Tech profession is predicted to grow 11 percent by 2028. This is faster than average, meaning that those in the MLT profession should have opportunities to look forward to.
Medical Laboratory Technician Specialty Areas
Most Medical Lab Techs start as generalists, meaning that they do not specialize in any single form of medicine or field. However, gaining expertise in certain specializations can increase job prospects and potential salary. The specialty areas for the MLT profession include:
- Clinical biochemistry
- Hematology and Coagulation
- Microbiology, Bacteriology, and Virology
- Toxicology
- Genetics and Cytogenetics
- Parasitology
- Mycology
- Immunology
- Immunohematology (blood bank)
- Histopathology and Histocompatibility
- Cytopathology
- Electron microscopy
- IVF labs
If you would like more information about Medical Laboratory Technician jobs or are ready get started, Preferred can help. Apply today and get connected with the right assignment for you.