Occupational Therapist
Search Occupational Therapist (OT) Jobs
Discover Occupational Therapist job openings by utilizing the job search above. Preferred has cultivated relationships with many excellent healthcare organizations over the years, and we have a selection of OT travel assignments to choose from. We also offer occupational therapy per diem work, if you require a more flexible schedule or are seeking supplemental income. Also, if you would like us to match you with future assignments, go ahead and apply now.
Occupational Therapist Employment Information
The demand for Occupational Therapists is growing much faster than the average for all occupations. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment of OT’s to grow 18% from 2018-2028. It will continue to be an integral part of the healthcare system by assisting people with various illnesses and disabilities, such as Alzheimer’s disease or amputation procedures, to adapt and perform daily activities.
Occupational Therapist Salary Range
Occupational Therapist salaries range from $56,000 to $98,000 per year, and the average OT salary is about $66,000 nationwide, per PayScale. The salary variation takes into account different factors such as practice setting, years of experience, geographic location, willingness to travel and required skills. Depending on the setting and facility, some Occupational Therapists may earn bonuses as well.
Occupational Therapy Specialties
Occupational Therapists (OTs) have the opportunity to specialize in one or more areas over the course of their career. Adding a specialty enhances an OT’s knowledge of an area they’re particularly passionate about, boosts their credentials and opens doors to grant funding and new job possibilities. Adding a specialty involves earning a certificate through the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) or other certificate-granting organization. Below are the board-certified specialties available.
Aquatic Therapeutic Exercise (ATRIC)
Occupational therapists work with clients on specific exercises in the water to help them increase mobility, coordination, and muscle tone. This certification proves their training in aquatic therapy principles and methods, movement mechanics, and safety and risk awareness strategies.
Assistive Technology Professional (ATP)
The Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) certification documents the Occupational Therapist’s competence in working with wheelchairs, seating products, and other assistive machinery to help patients with disabilities.
Certified Autism Specialist (CAS)
It will allow Occupational Therapists to actively engage and work with people who have autism. Receiving this type of certification demonstrates a commitment to promoting a higher standard of care to the autism community.
Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS)
Occupational Therapists have the potential to heavily interact with clients that have suffered brain injuries or abnormalities. This certification demonstrates competency in brain behavior, different types of brain injury, how to interact with and educate patients/families, safe medication management practices, and more.
Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE)
A Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) is an occupational therapist who demonstrates advanced knowledge in diabetes management, prediabetes, and diabetes prevention.
Specialty Certification in Driving and Community Mobility (SCDCM or CDCM-A)
Occupational therapists with this certification are skilled at evaluating a person’s ability and potential to drive, providing education and adaptations to support driving, and providing comprehensive resources and training when driving is no longer safe and other forms of community mobility need to be explored.
Certification in Environmental Modification (SCEM or SCEM-A)
Occupational Therapists with this certification will determine environmental needs and provide intervention strategies, devices, space adaptations, and/or assistive technology that reflect the person-environment fit and address occupational performance that maximizes participation, safety, accessibility, and independence. Most of the time they act as consultants.
Specialty Certification in Feeding, Eating and Swallowing (SCFES or SCFES-A)
This will allow Occupational Therapist to work with patients who have associated sensory processing deficits that may have trouble with feeding, eating, and/or swallowing.
Board Certification in Gerontology (BCG)
Occupational therapists with this certification will engage with older adults in their homes and in clinical settings to work on issues related to cognitive changes, mobility issues, post-stroke recovery, fall prevention, driving skills, and many more related topics related to geriatric health.
Certified Hand Therapist (CHT)
A Certified Hand Therapist (CHT) works with patients who have conditions affecting the hands and upper extremities caused by trauma or disease.
Certified Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist (HPSC)
Hippotherapy refers to how rehabilitation professionals use evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning in the purposeful manipulation of equine movement to engage sensory, neuromotor, and cognitive systems to achieve functional outcomes. This certification allows Occupational Therapist to work in the hippotherapy field.
Specialty Certification in Low Vision (SCLV or SCLV-A)
Occupational Therapists who earn their Specialty Certification in Low Vision (SCLV or SCLV-A) use optical devices and assistive technology to help clients enhance their vision and properly manage diseases.
Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT)
This specific certification focuses on the training of individuals suffering from lymphedema, which is the accumulation of fluid in superficial tissues. Acquiring this certification will demonstrate competency in treating lymphedema patients safely and effectively using complete decongestive therapy (CDT).
Board Certification in Mental Health (BCMH)
Occupational Therapists have the potential to work in the field of mental health. A BCMH will allow OT’s to gain more knowledge about cognitive assessment, sensory strategies, group process, therapeutic alliances, and socio-emotional skills.
Neuro-Developmental Treatment Certification
Occupational Therapists who earn their Neuro-Developmental Treatment Certification (C/NDT) are able to assess and adequately treat patients who have suffered from strokes, brain injuries, cerebral palsy, and other neuromotor disorders.
Board Certification in Pediatrics (BCP)
Occupational Therapists help children of all ages with routine activities such as learning, playing, and socializing. This certification can amply specific skills related to the pediatric population.
Board Certification in Physical Rehabilitation (BCPR)
This specialization includes the ability to design and implement physical rehabilitation interventions that are client-centered, contextually relevant, and evidence-based in order to facilitate optimal occupational engagement.
Saebo Certified Therapists (SCT)
Saebo Certified Therapists have exceptional knowledge about upper limb rehabilitation equipment and how it’s used to help patients suffering from neurological disorders, such as a stroke.
School Systems (SCSS or SCSS-A)
Occupational Therapists have the potential to work in school settings. OTs who hold Specialty Certification in School Systems are formally recognized in engaging in the process of ongoing professional development, which is translated into improved outcomes for clients (both academically and non-academically)
Seating and Mobility Specialty (SMS)
This certification is focused on seating, positioning, mobility, and assistive technology. It demonstrates the OT’s expertise in rehab technology, such as wheelchairs, seating interventions, and power mobility devices.
Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist (CSRS)
This specialty indicates advanced training in stroke rehabilitation. The field strives to find the best methods of treatment and care for stroke survivors.
Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional Certification (CCATP)
This certification is a newer specialization and is designed to provide certification opportunities to mental health professionals who are licensed to work with anxiety-diagnosed children and adolescents at a clinical level.
If you would like more information about Occupational Therapist jobs or are ready get started, Preferred can help. Apply today and get connected with the right assignment for you.